Hello again! I apologize for not having a post last week, but for good reason: Spring Break!
Click below to see lovely photos from Washington, D.C.
Gallaudet University, the deaf college. We are spelling out "Spring Break" in sign. |
Generic school bus labeled "School." |
This is how you geek out a bunch of ASL kids.
We're all doing the 'a' and 'l' in sign like Lincoln. |
Vietnam memorial. |
Jefferson monument. We walked there from Lincoln's. It's much farther than it looks. |
From inside Jefferson's monument. |
The national cathedral. |
From the gardens in the back. |
Incredibly helpful map. |
So, I went to D.C. with members of the American Sign Language Society. We went to visit the deaf university, Gallaudet. We drove down on Friday, did touristy sight-seeing things until Tuesday, spent Tuesday at the college, then drove home Wed.
It was amazing. I have
literally thousands of pictures.