Photo Blog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break Photos

Hello again! I apologize for not having a post last week, but for good reason: Spring Break!
Click below to see lovely photos from Washington, D.C.

Gallaudet University, the deaf college. We are spelling out "Spring Break" in sign.

Generic school bus labeled "School."

This is how you geek out a bunch of ASL kids.
We're all doing the 'a' and 'l' in sign like Lincoln.

Vietnam memorial.

Jefferson monument. We walked there from Lincoln's. It's much farther than it looks.

From inside Jefferson's monument.

The national cathedral.

From the gardens in the back.

Incredibly helpful map.
So, I went to D.C. with members of the American Sign Language Society. We went to visit the deaf university, Gallaudet. We drove down on Friday, did touristy sight-seeing things until Tuesday, spent Tuesday at the college, then drove home Wed.

It was amazing. I have literally thousands of pictures.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Colors re-post.

Here are the rest of my "colors" shots from back on Feb. 1.

The assignment was to see the colors in the everyday world around us.

Lots of pics this week.

Up All Night, art project, comedian Keith Wann, winter.

Where's Waldo?

Inflatables Bungie-run at CMU Up All Night

My Narrative for Art; Reverse-chronological order.
Snap, Insanity, Paranoia, Something is not right, Duality (fondly named "Jackyl & Hide")

ASL comedian Keith Wann

Snow fell in a cool pattern. I don't know how.